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Preventing Home Water Damage

18 de febrero de 2021

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Water damage is one of the most common (and most costly) claims on homeowners insurance policies. They are second to wind and hail damage, according to the Insurance Information Institute. The best way to avoid water damage is to ensure that it doesn’t happen in the first place, so here are a few preventative tips: 

Disconnect Hoses

Avoid keeping water hoses connected to the faucet outside, but instead attach them only when in use. Standing water in a hose could freeze into the pipes during the winter and could stop water flow or bust pipes, creating a messy and expensive situation. 

Clean Gutters

Clean the gutters at least twice per year to avoid blockage and debris. Clogged gutters will force water to spill over the sides and can cause serious damage. 

Maintain Vegetation

You want plants to thrive, but not excessively. Roots could wrap around pipes underground and break them, so it is important to minimize landscaping near pipes or remove shrubs that have overgrown. 

Know the Water Main

The water main shutoff is possibly the most important plumbing feature in the home. It supplies water to the entire house and is the mode of transportation between pipes. Know where the water main shutoff is located in case of emergency. Shutting it off will immediately stop all water activity in the home to locate the source of the damage. 

Maintain Appliances

The most common cause of water damage inside of the home is from appliances. Check them regularly according to manufacturer’s recommendations. This is especially important with washing machines and refrigerators as they can become leaky overtime and frequently leak when in need of replacement. 

Check Water Pressure

If the water pressure is set too high in your home, hoses and pipes could fail or rupture. Home improvement stores sell water gauges that can be attached to faucets and read the home’s water pressure. 

Water damage is a costly risk, but taking the necessary measures to prevent issues could save you a great deal of headaches and money.