woman with warm drink

Tips to Warm up This Winter

Dic 22, 2022

woman with warm drink

Even in the South, it gets extremely cold during the winter months. And you might have a stubborn partner or roommate who refuses to raise the thermostat, so they can save a couple of bucks.

Well, we have a couple of different ways you can get around that and keep warm this chilly winter.


Everyone knows about this trick because it’s the most effective and, not to mention low-cost to acquire.

You can find a decent electric heater for $20 dollars on eBay, Amazon, or a retailer. 

But keep in mind the power of a small heater only goes so far. It won’t warm up the entire house, but it will warm your bedroom or your home office.

On the downside, heating your home or room with electric space heaters can double or triple your electric bill! So be careful not to run them all day. Experts advise people to only heat rooms that are in use. So don’t go heating the bonus room!

Mantas de tiro

Probably everyone’s favorite tip, a throw blanket will probably be your best friend during these cold winter months. 

You can drop it over your shoulders while you’re watching movies on your couch, have it over your head while you’re browsing on your laptop, and just genuinely carry it all around your home. 

While you might feel a little silly carrying a blanket with you at all times in your home, no one’s going to judge you!

Tip: If you’re walking around with a throw blanket or a morning robe, make sure you wear slippers or fuzzy socks to keep your feet warm.

Heated Blankets

Speaking about blankets, what’s a better way to keep warm than by purchasing a heated blanket?

After all, you sometimes don’t need your entire room warm, just yourself.

Heated blankets can cost anywhere from $50 to $400. 

Easily this is the most expensive tip on the list. But a lot of people would argue that they’re worth the investment.

Warm Drinks and Warm Food

You would be surprised at how effective this tip is. While it might only work for 30 minutes or so, you can actually increase your body temperature by eating or drinking hot items.

So enjoy your soups, fresh-out-of-the-oven food, or coffee this winter!

Spend Time Upstairs

It’s no secret that heat rises in homes. It’s why we avoid the upstairs areas of our homes in the summer. But in the winter, the opposite is true.

You might notice your roommate or your children saying, “It’s so cold down here,” before heading up back upstairs, where the temperature is slightly warmer.

So if your goal is to stay warm, the higher you are in your home, the better.

Get Active

It’s no secret that the quickest way to get warm is with exercise. In fact, after a workout, your body is actually trying to cool itself down since it’s producing so much heat.

Your chilly home would be the perfect environment for your body to do that.

Chances are you’ll be feeling warm in your home for the next hour or so from your body temperature alone.

Stay Warm!

It can be tricky to stay warm this winter, but hopefully, a couple of our tips will keep you comfortable.

Remember, if all else fails, you can always dress in layers!