Artboard 5

How to Stay Organized with a Planner

Sep 1, 2021

Artboard 5

Planners have been around for a long time to help students, employees, business owners, moms and anyone else stay organized with their daily tasks and activities. There are a variety of planners, both paper and digital, available for use. Since the selection can be overwhelming, consider where you are in life and what the best planner may be for you in the present moment. 

It’s easy to declare your intent to use a planner, but it’s also easy to purchase one only to have it collect dust. This is why you should consider a planner and organization system that will work for you individually. If you’re one to forget what you’ve written down and don’t take the time to look back at it, maybe an electronic planner is a better option for you. This could be as simple as a calendar in your phone or a special planner app that gives you notification reminders for important dates and activities. 

Whether you choose a classic paper planner or a digital option, the first step is to make sure you’re looking at it every day. Set an alarm to remember if you need to. 

Do you need to block out each moment of your day? When scheduling appointments, write down the travel time to each destination as well. This will help keep you on track and ensure you’re on time for every appointment, meeting and activity. If you prefer a little less structure, leave some wiggle room in your planner and focus on a few important tasks instead.

One easy starting point with any planner is breaking your daily tasks into three categories: rocks, pebbles, and sand. The rocks are appointments and non-negotiables that are set in stone. Pebbles are goals, but aren’t necessarily solid and can be shifted if needed. Then there’s sand, which is any task that should be done daily but can move around and has room for flexibility. 

No matter what you use your planner for, the goal should be to help with time management and priorities. It may take a bit of trial and error before finding the best system for you and your personal needs, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll find that planner life is enjoyable and allows you the time you need for everyday life.