
10 Things to Help Productivity

Mar 17, 2022


Are you constantly suffering from creative blocks and feelings of wanting to stay in bed all day? It is not an uncommon issue. To better help your productivity woes, try these 10 things and watch your days improve. 

  1. Start the day early. If you start early instead of hitting the snooze button, you’ll have more time to accomplish daily tasks. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier than usual and try to avoid repeatedly slapping snooze. 
  2. Eliminate distractions. If you have 37 tabs open on your computer at work, chances are you’ll become overwhelmed quickly. Close all of the unnecessary tabs and silence your phone or turn it off while you are working to complete a project. 
  3. Break up your tasks instead of trying to do everything at one time. By splitting them into smaller chunks, it will be easier to manage each task at hand. 
  4. Take a break if you need to. Productivity does not mean being a nonstop workhorse! Try to stand up from your desk every hour or so and take a quick walk during lunch to reset your mind and have some fresh air. 
  5. Set a schedule. If you are working from home, cleaning up or have various errands to take care of, write down a schedule to better manage your time. By doing this, you’ll have clear outlines of times to work and times to rest. 
  6. Take advantage of technology where you can. There are many different productivity tools and apps that will help you stay on track and keep your day organized. 
  7. Get enough sleep at night. Pulling all-nighters in the name of “the hustle” doesn’t actually accomplish as much as you may think it does. Your brain and body need rest to properly function, so make it a priority to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. 
  8. Maintain a balanced diet. No, this doesn’t mean joining the latest fad diet you see on social media. Just try to make healthy choices that will improve your energy levels and won’t leave you dragging, especially when eating during the work day. 
  9. Exercise is a wonderful way to increase your energy and endorphins. Start with an easy-paced walk or 15 minute cardio workout at the beginning of your day. 
  10. Ask for help when it’s needed. There is no shame in reaching out to someone you know and trust that can help alleviate some of your daily tasks or errands. You are not expected to do it all yourself! 

By following these tips, you should see an improvement in your overall productivity. Be patient and take it one step at a time as you gradually change your mindset from procrastination to productivity.