tips for pool safety

5 Safety Tips For Public Pools

Apr 18, 2022

tips for pool safety

Summer is inching closer, and so is the opening of neighborhood pools. On April 30th, 2022, pools in Greggs Mills, Kelarie, The Retreat at Storm Branch, and Haynes Station will open. An outing at the pool is the perfect way to spend a sunny summer day, but it’s important to be prepared for the dangers that might come along with public pools and children. Follow along for 5 essential safety tips to keep your kids safe during your trip to the pool.

Take Your Kids To Swimming Lessons 

One of the best ways to keep your children safe at the pool is to make sure that they are strong swimmers. This is incredibly important, especially in a fast-paced and active environment like a public pool. There are plenty of places around the CRSA that offer swimming lessons, such as The Dolphin Academy Swim School in Evans, GA, or The Salvation Army Croc Center in Augusta, GA. 

Have A Clear View Of The Pool 

No matter how strong of a swimmer your child is, you should always have a clear view of the pool and where your child is swimming. Public pools can get very crowded, so make sure you are prepared to get a good seat with a direct line of sight to the water. You will be able to keep a pair of eyes on your child, but you’ll also be able to get to them quickly in the case of an emergency. 

Never Leave Children Unsupervised In The Water

It has been proven that children can drown in as quickly as 20 seconds. This is why children should never be left alone in the water, even for a minute or two. It’s equally important to ensure that they’re not left with people who don’t know them well. What could be interpreted as playful splashing by another person might be an emergency that you would immediately recognize. Additionally, weak and new swimmers should be kept within an arms-length at all times. 

Know and Enforce All Pool Rules 

Most pools have their own set of rules, but some universal ones are no running, diving, pushing, or dunking others. Make sure you are aware of the pool’s rules before you go for the day, and make sure your kids are too. Another helpful rule to enforce is the buddy system. This means that each child has a partner or ‘buddy’ that they stay with and look out for one another. 

Know CPR and Teach Your Kids Floating Methods

In the case something does happen, the best thing you can do for your child is know the proper CPR and basic rescue skills for the water. You’ll be able to provide direct help to your child without waiting for others or relying on someone else. Additionally, teach your children the fall, float, breath, relax method. If your child does fall in, they should know how to float to continue to breathe and relax until they can swim to shore or someone else can help them out. 

Equipped with these 5 tips, you are ready for a safe day of swimming and fun at your local public pool!

Coming Soon! We are waiting for approvals for a new pool in Haynes Station and a pool in Summerton Village.  Follow our Facebook Page for updates.   Homeowners that live in Kelarie, Greggs Mill, or The Retreat at Storm Branch can email [email protected] with any questions about pool rules and pool keys.  Homeowners that live in Haynes Station can email [email protected] with any questions.

*Only homeowners that are current with their HOA dues, fines, etc. are eligible to have their pool keys activated.