Gadgets that Make a House a Home

Jan 31, 2022


The past few years have ushered in a new era of home technology, with gadgets and gizmos everywhere. There are devices for the simplest of tasks such as turning on a light, and more advanced systems like home security. Some can be frivolous, but others are actually extremely useful for the average homeowner. Here are a few gadgets that can upgrade your home and help it work with you, not against you. 

Robot Vacuum

This is one of the first pieces of equipment that brought in the age of the start home and is in many houses today. The concept began with the iRobot Roomba, but many brands have taken notice and conceived their own versions. Some have Bluetooth capability to operate the device from your phone, making a bland household chore more fun and easy. 

Smart Lock 

Smart locks are exactly what the name implies- smart. They are a deterrent for burglars as they are much more difficult to break through than the typical lock and key. These can be controlled from your phone as well or with special electronic keys and codes. 

Video Doorbell

The video doorbell is another common home technology upgrade today. It helps deter solicitors and suspicious activity, and can be controlled from anywhere with an app on your phone. There is also two-way communication on them to allow you the ability to accept packages or politely decline a new vacuum sale while you’re away. 

Air Quality Monitor 

There are smart monitors that can blend in with your decor, looking like stylish radios while actually detecting and monitoring carbon dioxide, dust, toxic chemicals, temperature and humidity. 

Smart Feeder

If you are a pet owner who meticulously schedules feeding times for your furry friend, a smart feeder would be the perfect addition to your home. You can schedule their feeding times, manage portions correctly and operate everything with your phone. 

Smart Bulbs

Smart bulbs are a serious upgrade from the classic lightbulb. They can be controlled with Bluetooth and can play music throughout the house. Some brands even offer color-changing bulbs that you can switch depending on the music or your mood. 

Smart Thermostat

Sleek, modern thermostats such as the one from Nest brand offer self-programming features and Bluetooth controls to change the temperature of your home while you’re away and save on energy costs. 

Digital Art Display

If you love wall art but constantly want to change out your decor, a digital frame may be a good investment. They are sleek and some even come with custom frames to match your decor. You can find new art pieces as often as you’d like to change the decor with your mood. 

These are just a few of the many offerings available to upgrade your home technology. They are meant to make life easier and are all worth every penny, so check online or with a retailer near you to find the right pieces to take your home to the next level.