Thank You Note Day

Jan 31, 2022


To wind down the holiday season and wrap up the year, December 26 is known as National Thank You Note Day. It is an opportunity to put down your phone and write with a classic pen and paper after receiving meaningful gifts. 

There is no definitive history as to how this day was started, but it is assumed that the date refers to the ending of the holiday season and giving and receiving of gifts. 

In an era of technology ruling over our daily lives, grabbing a pen and paper to write a personalized note means more to the receiver than you may know. It will help them feel special and appreciated for simply being who they are and will remind them that they are loved. 

If you are looking to celebrate National Thank You Note Day, begin by looking for note-making classes. There may be some in your area hosted by small businesses or you could find some online via a webinar or special course. They will help you improve your penmanship and take note-sending to the next level. You could also have friends and family over for a note-making party to gather and write thank you notes for your gifts while enjoying community and laughter. 

If you are a business owner, use the end of the holiday season to send personalized thank you notes to your customers, clients and partners. Showing them that you value their participation in your business will make them more likely to return for more and help them feel like they are a true person to your business instead of a number like larger corporations may imply. 

Thank you notes don’t have to be limited to one day a year. Send a thoughtful thank you note anytime someone comes across your mind that you are thankful for. You can simply thank them for being in your life or for a recent gift you may have received. No matter how big or how small the reason, thank you notes show gratitude and appreciation on a deeper, more special level than a simple text ever could.