What is Hygge?

Jan 31, 2022


Maybe you’ve seen it as a social media photo filter, an interior design term or theme for home decor: Hygge. What is it exactly? The term that shows up more in the winter months is actually pronounced “hoo-ga” and is a Danish concept of cozy contentment and well-being. Curling up with a book on a rainy day with a cup of hot tea means you have experienced hygge without even realizing it.

 The concept is a defining feature of Danish culture, and according to CEO of the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen, Meik Wiking, “…what freedom is to Americans, hygge is to Danes”. It has been a key part of their culture since the early 1800s when the word first appeared based off of a Norwegian word for “well-being”. In Denmark, it is considered both a noun and an adjective. The concept caught popularity around the UK in 2016 and gained traction in America by 2017. 

When the New York Times and The New Yorker covered the hygge concept, it began trending on social media and Pinterested named it one of the hottest home decor trends of 2017. It is now an extremely popular hashtag on Instagram and Twitter. 

So, what is the American adaptation of hygge? It can be as simple as a good pair of sweatpants. Candles and fireplaces are another important part of creating the hygge atmosphere. The Danish burn around 13 POUNDS of candle wax a year per capita!

A chunky knit blanket or weighted throw will make your living room or bedroom more hygge. Food is also essential to the coziness, so load up on comfort food and hot drinks.  Are you a coffee lover? It’s easy to add into the hygge mindset. 

To create the perfect hygge atmosphere in your home, avoid these things: staring at your phone day in and day out, staying isolated without community, strict rules to live by, and purchasing things that “look” hygge just to feel like you’re staying on-trend. It is all about keeping life simple and somewhat minimalist. Soak in the things that bring joy to your life, no matter how simple they may be. Then you will have a hygge lifestyle and can practice it year-round!