Tips for Creating a Distraction-Free, Productivity-Boosting Home Office 

Apr 13, 2023


If you’re working from work thanks to a remote/hybrid position, you know a home office is critical. And while you might have the essentials, there are still a few tips you could learn to help make your home office feel like a workspace.

Set Up Your Home Office in a Separate Room 

You want an area of the house specifically focused on your work, nothing else. Therefore, the best place to set up a home office would be a room you only use for work (more on that later).

However, that’s fine if you lack a spare room in your house. Perhaps there’s a corner in your bedroom you could devout specifically towards your work.

You might even be able to set up your work area in the guest room or inside a power pantry. https://billbeazleyhomes.com/blog/creative-uses-for-power-pantries/

Wherever you decide to designate your work area, it should be where you can quickly escape all the noise in your household. 

Declutter Your Work Area 

Studies show that a messy work area drives down productivity. Not to mention, a disorganized desk means there are higher chances of misplaced documents and lost information. So when you have clutter for no apparent reason, it’s time to start cleaning.

Set Firm Boundaries with Others 

It’s not always easy setting boundaries with the people you live with, especially if they’re children. However, people can be distracting, and that’s going to cut into your productivity. 

So when setting boundaries with the people you live with, let them know that entering that room means you’re working. You can only be distributed during emergencies.

Sometimes, parents will use a sign to let their kids know they’re working. If you live with another grown-up, sometimes it’s as simple as keeping the door closed.

Clear Off Virtual and Physical Workspace 

Sometimes the biggest distractions aren’t the ones on our desks: it’s the ones on our computers. 

We’ve all been guilty of checking our emails during the middle of an important task or scrolling through Spotify trying to find the right music to listen to while we work. But all of these are taking us away from what we’re supposed to be working on. 

As such, you want to clear all tabs and programs off your computer that don’t relate to the task.

You want to silence notifications on your phone and computer. That way, you are entirely focused on what you’re trying to accomplish. 

Have a Great Office Chair 

It might sound silly, but unless you have a standing desk, you will sit in that chair for eight or even nine hours daily. So, don’t simply buy the cheapest chair at the big box store. 

Get a chair you think you can sit comfortably on for long periods of the day, which is reasonably within your budget.

Get one that’s comfortable no matter what way you choose to sit. 

Get All Supplies Beforehand 

The last thing you want to do is take time out of your workday to get more paper and ink for your printer and stock up on pens. So, make sure you do all of that before you start your workday.

Take time before work or during your days off to gather all the necessary items. 

Only Go Into Your Home Office for Work, Nothing Else 

When you’re in your home office, the only thing you want to associate it with is work. We do this with different areas of our homes on a subconscious level. 

The couch in front of the TV is an area of relaxation. The dining table is to eat and conversate with our loved ones. The bed in our room is for sleeping.

Therefore, you only want to associate your work area with work. 

Write Down Your Most Important Tasks Every Day 

We all have things that need to get done every day. There might be one or three things that are incredibly high priority. 

It might help to write those things down.  So you don’t come into work the next day and wonder what you need to work on or what to do first. 

Use Time Management Tools/Techniques

Use time management techniques/tools to help you boost your productivity.

Many people use the Pomodoro Technique, which calls for 25 minutes of productivity and then 5 minutes of break time. After three or four 25 minutes of productivity, you get a 15-minute rest period. After that, the cycle restarts.

Others choose the 52-17 rule, which calls for 52 minutes of productivity and then 17 minutes of rest. That cycle is repeated throughout the workday as well.

Remember to take a break. Working with a break can help your productivity. Studies show that employees who choose to work throughout their breaks or without a break cause them to lose focus, concentration, and decision fatigue, leading to a lack of psychological detachment from work. 

In a nutshell, they take their work stress home.

Meanwhile, taking small breaks between tasks leads to lower anxiety levels, boosts energy levels, increased concentration, and even strengthens memory. 

Ultimately, for these techniques to work, it would be best if you worked throughout your concentration and productivity time.

Whatever time management tool or technique you use, remember that your work time is as vital as your break time. 

Fewer Distractions = Better Productivity 

Creating a distraction-free area is critical to a home office. Because at the end of the day, you won’t get much done if you have to battle distractions on top of the work you are supposed to do.

Your odds of being more productive gradually increase if you can set up a dedicated work environment in your home.