Historia de los espantapájaros

Spooky Season is upon us! With Halloween quickly approaching, we thought we’d give you a brief history on one of the most popular symbols of the season- scarecrows.  Believe it or not, the first recorded history of scarecrows dates all the way back to ancient Egypt. Their version of a scarecrow was a wooden frame…

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10 Ways to Feel Cozy this Fall

The autumn season means pumpkin spice is everywhere and the leaves are changing to beautiful shades of red, orange and yellow. While afternoons can still be warm in the south, those early mornings and evenings are crisp and cool. Is your home in need of a cozy refresh for fall? Here are 10 ways to…

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Corn Mazes and Other Fall Fun in the CSRA

This is fully a personal opinion, but fall is the best season in the south. The weather is perfect and there are so many activities for the family to enjoy, both indoors and outdoors! A favorite fall tradition for many is going through a corn maze. There are quite a few in the CSRA to…

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Three Colors that Increase Your Home Value

Selling your home could seem daunting and overwhelming, but there are a few things you can do that will increase the value and help the offers roll in. One of those is paying attention to paint colors. Paint can transform a room or the front of a home and be a make-or-break point for the…

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Cómo hacer ejercicio con perros en otoño

Is your four-legged family member always eager to enjoy time with you? Fall is the perfect season to be outside and enjoy time with your pet. Check out these ways you can work out with your dog for a time you can both enjoy and stay healthy.  Take a Hike  Hiking with your dog can…

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Apple Picking 

While pumpkin patches and corn mazes may be the first to come to mind when thinking about fall activities, visiting an apple orchard is also a fun and popular thing to do during the season. Here are a few places within a day trip to go for apple picking:  Bryson’s Apple Orchard, Mountain Rest, South…

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It’s Not Too Late to Revisit Your 2021 Resolutions! 

Sure, the year is almost over. But if you’ve slipped on your New Year’s resolutions, it’s not too late to pick  back up where you left off. Many of us didn’t expect 2021 to be a continuation of 2020, yet here we are. It can be discouraging at times and tough to keep the motivation…

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Rutina matutina de otoño

The crisp, cool air and changes in daylight during the autumn season are motivating and refreshing. If you have been in need of a new morning routine for some time, now is the perfect opportunity to make a change. A solid morning routine can set the tone for your entire day, so it’s important to…

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Cómo mantenerse organizado con un planificador

Planners have been around for a long time to help students, employees, business owners, moms and anyone else stay organized with their daily tasks and activities. There are a variety of planners, both paper and digital, available for use. Since the selection can be overwhelming, consider where you are in life and what the best…

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Labor Day Weekend Getaway Ideas

Labor Day unofficially marks the end of summer and vacation season. It is the last long weekend most schools and companies celebrate until the fall and winter holidays arrive. With this, you definitely want to make it worthwhile! Even if you don’t have a chance to take a full vacation out of town, there are…

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